ASE Accredited Secondary School Programs in Ohio
Below is a list of ASE accredited high school programs, offering training in automotive technology, autobody and collision repair and diesel mechanic programs in the state of Ohio. Please note that accreditation status is correct at the time of writing and may have since changed. Please check with the school and with NATEF before making any commitment. (You can find post-secondary auto mechanic schools in Ohio here.)
Akron • Alliance • Archbold • Ashland • Bedford • Bellefontaine • Bethel • Brecksville • Canfield • Canton • Carroll • Celina • Champion • Chesapeake • Chillicothe • Cincinnati • Clayton • Cleveland Heights • Coshocton • Delaware • Findlay • Fremont • Georgetown • Greenville • Grove City • Groveport • Hudson • Jefferson • Kettering • Lakewood • Lebanon • Lima • Lorain • Lyndhurst • Mansfield • Maple Heights • Massillon • Medina • Middleburg Heights • Milan • Milford • Nelsonville • New Philadelphia • Newark • Oberlin • Oregon • Parma Heights • Piqua • Ravenna • Rio Grande • Shelby • Springfield • Sylvania • Tiffin • Toledo • Uniontown • Wadsworth • West Union • Willoughby • Wilmington • Woodsfield
City: Akron
Ellet High School
309 Woolf Ave., Akron, OH 44312
(330) 794-4120
Automotive Program
Contact: Ronald Boldry
Tel: (330) 794-4120
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Canton
Canton South High School
600 Faircrest St., SE, Canton, OH 44707
(330) 484-8000
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Russell Angel
Tel: (330) 484-8000
Programs: Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Heating and Air Conditioning, Suspension & Steering
GlenOak High School
1801 Schneider Rd., NE, Canton, OH 44721
(330) 491-3790
Automotive Program
Contact: Mark Sundbury
Tel: (330) 491-3790
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Timken Senior High School
521 Tuscarawas St., W., Canton, OH 44702
(330) 438-3004
Automotive Program
Contact: Darryl Pringle
Tel: (330) 438-3004
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Carroll
Fairfield Career Center
4000 Columbus-Lancaster Rd., NW, Carroll, OH 43112
(614) 837-9443
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Derek Roeth
Tel: (614) 837-9443
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Celina
Tri Star Career Compact
715 E. Wayne St., Celina, OH 45822
(419) 586-8300
Automotive Program
Contact: Jim Dorsten
Tel: (419) 586-8300
Programs: Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Suspension & Steering
City: Champion
Trumbull Career and Technical Center
528 Educational Hwy., Champion, OH 44483
(330) 847-0503
Automotive Program
Contact: David Gillies
Tel: (330) 847-0503
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Chesapeake
Collins Career Center
11627 State Rte. 243, Chesapeake, OH 45619
(740) 867-6641
Truck Program
Contact: Gregory Keeney
Tel: (740) 867-6641
Programs: Brakes, Diesel Engines, Drive Train, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Preventive Maintenance Inspection, Suspension & Steering
Collins Career Center
11627 State Rte. 243, Chesapeake, OH 45619
(740) 867-6641
Automotive Program
Contact: Danny Morgan
Tel: (740) 867-6641
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Chillicothe
Pickaway-Ross CTC
895 Crouse Chapel Rd., Chillicothe, OH 45601
(742) 642-1282
Automotive Program
Contact: Gary Robinson
Tel: (742) 642-1282
Programs: Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Suspension & Steering
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Gary Robinson
Tel: (742) 642-1282
Programs: Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing
City: Cincinnati
Cincinnati Job Corps
1409 Western Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45214
(513) 651-2000
Automotive Program
Contact: Chris Gentry
Tel: (513) 651-2000
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Alliance
Alliance High School
400 Glamorgan Ave., Alliance, OH 44601
(330) 821-2100
Automotive Program
Contact: Debbie McKee
Tel: (330) 821-2100
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Debbie McKee
Tel: (330) 821-2100
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing
Diamond Oaks Career Development Center
6375 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45247
(513) 612-3688
Automotive Program
Contact: Russell Crosthwaite
Tel: (513) 612-3688
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Russell Crosthwaite
Tel: (513) 612-3688
Programs: Mechanical and Electrical, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
Scarlet Oaks Career Dev. Center
3254 E. Kemper Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241
(513) 612-3688
Automotive Program
Contact: Russell Crosthwaite
Tel: (513) 612-3688
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Russell Crosthwaite
Tel: (513) 612-3688
Programs: Mechanical and Electrical, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
City: Clayton
Miami Valley Career Technology Center
6800 Hoke Rd., Clayton, OH 45315
(937) 854-6466
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Ron Watts
Tel: (937) 854-6466
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Blaine Heeter II
Tel: (937) 854-6358
Programs: Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing
City: Cleveland Heights
Cleveland Heights High School
14780 Superior Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
(216) 320-3026
Automotive Program
Contact: Jeffrey Porter
Tel: (216) 320-3026
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Coshocton
Coshocton County Career Center
23640 CR 202 Airport Rd., Coshocton, OH 43812
(740) 622-0211
Automotive Program
Contact: Dennis Rine
Tel: (740) 622-0211
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Delaware
Delaware Area Career Center
1610 State Rte. 521, Delaware, OH 43015
(740) 203-2236
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Robert Swonger
Tel: (740) 203-2236
Programs: Master Automobile Service Technology
City: Findlay
Millstream Career Center
1150 Broad Ave., Findlay, OH 45840
(419) 420-3324
Automotive Program
Contact: Tim Stroub
Tel: (419) 420-3324
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Fremont
Vanguard Technical Center
1306 Cedar St., Fremont, OH 43420
(419) 332-2626
Automotive Program
Contact: David Buening
Tel: (419) 332-2626
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: David Buening
Tel: (419) 332-2626
Programs: Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
City: Georgetown
Southern Hills Career Center
9193 Hamer Rd., Georgetown, OH 45121
(937) 378-6131
Automotive Program
Contact: Mark Davis
Tel: (937) 378-6131
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Greenville
Greenville High School
100 Green Wave Way, Greenville, OH 45331
(937) 548-4188
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Travis Nicholas
Tel: (937) 548-4188
Programs: Language/Arts, Maintenance and Light Repair, Mathematics, Science
City: Archbold
Four County Career Center
22-900 State Rte. #34, Archbold, OH 43502
(419) 267-3331
Automotive Program
Contact: Bruce Magill
Tel: (419) 267-3331
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Steve Hootman
Tel: (419) 267-3331
Programs: Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
City: Grove City
South-Western Career Academy
4750 Big Run S. Rd., Grove City, OH 43123
(614) 801-3400
Automotive Program
Contact: Rob Thompson
Tel: (614) 801-3400
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Groveport
Eastland Career Center
4465 S Hamilton Rd., Groveport, OH 43125
(614) 836-5725
Auto Body/Collision Program: AYES
Contact: Jay Coyer
Tel: (614) 836-5725
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Mechanical and Electrical, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
City: Hudson
Hudson High School
2500 Hudson-Aurora Rd., Hudson, OH 44236
(330) 653-1420
Automotive Program
Contact: Gary Reynolds
Tel: (330) 653-1420
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Jefferson
Ashtabula County Technical & Career Campus
1565 State Rte. 167, Jefferson, OH 44047
(440) 576-6015
Automotive Program
Contact: Brian Kimmel
Tel: (440) 576-6015
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Kettering
Kettering-Fairmont High School
3301 Shroyer Rd., Kettering, OH 45429
(937) 499-1686
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Scott Beirise
Tel: (937) 499-1686
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Lakewood
Lakewood High School (West Shore CTD)
14100 Franklin Blvd., Lakewood, OH 44107
(216) 529-4150
Automotive Program
Contact: Michael Szittai
Tel: (216) 529-4150
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Lebanon
Warren County Career Center
3525 N. State Rte. 48, Lebanon, OH 45066
(513) 932-5677
Automotive Program
Contact: Todd Gullett
Tel: (513) 932-5677
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Lima
Apollo Career Center
3325 Shawnee Rd., Lima, OH 45806
(419) 998-2949
Automotive Program
Contact: Michael Fiedler
Tel: (419) 998-2949
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Lima Senior High School
1 Spartan Way, Lima, OH 45801
(419) 996-3062
Automotive Program
Contact: Wanda Miller
Tel: (419) 996-3062
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Lorain
Lorain High School
2600 Ashland Ave., Lorain, OH 44052
(440) 258-5956
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Scott Krasienko
Tel: (440) 258-5956
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Ashland
Ashland Co.-West Holmes Career Center
1783 State Rte. 60, Ashland, OH 44805
(419) 289-3313
Automotive Program
Contact: Jon Burkholder
Tel: (419) 289-3313
Programs: Automatic Transmission & Transaxle, Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Engine Repair, Heating and Air Conditioning, Manual Drive Train & Axles, Suspension & Steering
City: Lyndhurst
Charles F. Brush High School
4875 Glenlyn Rd., Lyndhurst, OH 44124
(216) 691-2093
Automotive Program
Contact: Joseph Niederst
Tel: (216) 691-2093
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Mansfield
Madison Comp. High School
600 Esley Ln., Mansfield, OH 44905
(419) 589-2112
Automotive Program
Contact: Tom Brandt
Tel: (419) 589-2112
Programs: Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Suspension & Steering
City: Maple Heights
Maple Heights High School
1 Mustang Way, Maple Heights, OH 44137
(216) 587-3200
Automotive Program
Contact: James Enders
Tel: (216) 587-3200
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Massillon
Jackson High School
7600 Fulton Dr., NW, Massillon, OH 44646
(330) 837-3501
Automotive Program
Contact: Jeff Walter
Tel: (330) 837-3501
Programs: Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Engine Repair, Suspension & Steering
R.G. Drage Career Center
6805 Richville Dr., SW, Massillon, OH 44646
(330) 832-9856
Automotive Program
Contact: William Morris
Tel: (330) 832-9856
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Medina
Medina County Career Center
1101 W. Liberty St., Medina, OH 44256
(330) 725-8461
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Darin Lewis
Tel: (330) 725-8461
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Jeff Hicks
Tel: (330) 725-8461
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
Truck Program
Contact: Thomas Jackson
Tel: (330) 725-8461
Programs: Brakes, Diesel Engines, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Heating and Air Conditioning, Preventive Maintenance Inspection, Suspension & Steering
City: Middleburg Heights
Polaris Career Center
7285 Old Oak Blvd., Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
(440) 891-7674
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Dave Yorko
Tel: (440) 891-7674
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Milan
Ehove Career Center
316 W. Mason Rd., Milan, OH 44846
(419) 499-4663
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Tim Reed
Tel: (419) 499-4663
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
Truck Program
Contact: Christopher Frank
Tel: (419) 499-5360
Programs: Brakes, Diesel Engines, Drive Train, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Preventive Maintenance Inspection, Suspension & Steering
City: Milford
Live Oaks Career Campus
5956 Buckwheat Rd., Milford, OH 45150
(513) 612-3688
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Russell Crosthwaite
Tel: (513) 612-3688
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Russell Crosthwaite
Tel: (513) 612-3688
Programs: Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
City: Nelsonville
Tri-County Career Center
15676 State Rte. 691, Nelsonville, OH 45764
(740) 753-3511
Automotive Program
Contact: Connie Altier
Tel: (740) 753-3511
Programs: Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Suspension & Steering
City: Bedford
Bedford High School
481 Northfield Rd., Bedford, OH 44146
(440) 439-1500
Automotive Program
Contact: Samuel Vawters
Tel: (440) 439-1500
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: New Philadelphia
Buckeye Career Center
545 University Dr., NE, New Philadelphia, OH 44663
(330) 339-2288
Automotive Program
Contact: William Fisher
Tel: (330) 339-2288
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Newark
Career & Technology Education Centers
150 Price Rd., Newark, OH 43055
(740) 364-2832
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: James Boorn
Tel: (740) 366-3351
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Justin Paquette
Tel: (740) 364-2832
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Mechanical and Electrical, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
Truck Program
Contact: David McNabb
Tel: (740) 364-2832
Programs: Brakes, Diesel Engines, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Preventive Maintenance Inspection, Suspension & Steering
City: Oberlin
Lorain County JVS
15181 State Rte. 58 S., Oberlin, OH 44074
(440) 774-1051
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Jason Kaczay
Tel: (440) 774-1051
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Lonnie Higey
Tel: (440) 774-1051
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Painting and Refinishing
Truck Program
Contact: John Tamas
Tel: (440) 774-1051
Programs: Brakes, Diesel Engines, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Preventive Maintenance Inspection, Suspension & Steering
City: Oregon
Clay High School
5665 Seaman Rd., Oregon, OH 43616
(419) 693-0665
Automotive Program
Contact: David Shafer
Tel: (419) 693-0665
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Parma Heights
Valley Forge High School
9999 Independence Blvd., Parma Heights, OH 44130
(440) 885-8439
Automotive Program
Contact: Gary Mitchhart
Tel: (440) 885-8439
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Piqua
Upper Valley Career Center
8811 Career Dr., Piqua, OH 45356
(937) 778-1980
Automotive Program
Contact: Mark Lester
Tel: (937) 778-1980
Programs: Automobile Service Technology,
Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Ravenna
Maplewood Career Center
7075 State Rte. 88, Ravenna, OH 44266
(330) 296-2892
Automotive Program
Contact: David Makin
Tel: (330) 296-2892
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Rio Grande
Gallia Jackson Vinton JVSD
351 Buckeye Hills Rd., Rio Grande, OH 45674
(740) 245-5334
Automotive Program
Contact: Timothy Updike
Tel: (740) 245-5334
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Timothy Updike
Tel: (740) 245-5334
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
City: Shelby
Pioneer Career & Technology Center
27 Ryan Rd., Shelby, OH 44875
(419) 347-7744
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Vickie Hunt
Tel: (419) 347-7744
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Paul Brown
Tel: (419) 347-7744
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing
Truck Program
Contact: Vickie Hunt
Tel: (419) 347-7744
Programs: Brakes, Diesel Engines, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Preventive Maintenance Inspection, Suspension & Steering
City: Springfield
Springfield-Clark CTC
1901 Selma Rd., Springfield, OH 45505
(937) 325-7368
Automotive Program
Contact: Dave Rose
Tel: (937) 325-7368
Programs: Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Language/Arts, Suspension & Steering
City: Bellefontaine
Ohio Hi-Point JVS
2280 State Rte. 540, Bellefontaine, OH 43311
(937) 599-3010
Automotive Program
Contact: Rodney Peterson
Tel: (937) 599-3010
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Sylvania
Sylvania Southview High School
4747 N Holland Sylvania Rd, Sylvania, OH 43560
(419) 824-8680
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Eugene Burgess
Tel: (419) 824-8680
Programs: Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing
City: Tiffin
Sentinel Career Center
793 E. Township Rd. 201, Tiffin, OH 44883
(419) 448-1212
Automotive Program
Contact: Allen Schultz
Tel: (419) 448-1212
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Allen Schultz
Tel: (419) 448-1212
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
City: Toledo
Whitmer Career & Technology Center
5719 Clegg Dr., Toledo, OH 43613
(419) 473-8339
Automotive Program
Contact: Joe Brower
Tel: (419) 473-8339
Programs: Master Automobile Service Technology
City: Uniontown
Portage Lakes Career Center
4401 Shriver Rd., Uniontown, OH 44685
(330) 896-8278
Automotive Program
Contact: Lisa Clarke
Tel: (330) 896-8278
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
City: Wadsworth
Wadsworth High School
150 Silvercreek Rd., Wadsworth, OH 44281
(330) 335-1453
Automotive Program
Contact: Pete Alexander
Tel: (330) 335-1453
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: West Union
Ohio Valley Career & Tech Center
175 Lloyd Rd., West Union, OH 45693
(937) 544-2336
Automotive Program
Contact: Joe Palmer
Tel: (937) 544-2336
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
City: Willoughby
Willoughby-Eastlake Technical Center
25 Public Square, Willoughby, OH 44094
(440) 602-5147
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Louis Masitto
Tel: (440) 602-5147
Programs: Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing
City: Wilmington
Laurel Oaks Career Development Center
300 Oak Dr., Wilmington, OH 45177
(513) 612-3688
Automotive Program
Contact: Russell Crosthwaite
Tel: (513) 612-3688
Programs: Automobile Service Technology
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Russell Crosthwaite
Tel: (513) 612-3688
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
City: Woodsfield
Swiss Hills Career Center
46601 SR 78, Woodsfield, OH 43793
(740) 472-0722
Automotive Program
Contact: Albert Loy
Tel: (740) 472-0722
Programs: Master Automobile Service Technology
City: Bethel
Grant Career Center
718 W. Plane St., Bethel, OH 45106
(513) 734-6222
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Jason Akers
Tel: (513) 734-6222
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
Auto Body/Collision Program: AYES
Contact: Michael Patten
Tel: (513) 734-6222
Programs: Damage Analysis/Estimating/Customer Serv, Mechanical and Electrical, Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
City: Brecksville
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
8001 Brecksville Rd., Brecksville, OH 44141
(440) 746-8264
Automotive Program: AYES
Contact: Joseph Lamatrice
Tel: (440) 746-8264
Programs: Maintenance and Light Repair
Auto Body/Collision Program
Contact: Efrain Soto
Tel: (440) 746-8265
Programs: Non-Structural Analysis/Damage Repair, Painting and Refinishing, Structural Analysis and Damage Repair